Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Baaden-Mienhof Group

The Baaden-Mienhof Group (or Red Amy Faction) was a communist guerrilla group formed by Ulrike Meinhof in 1970 that created a resistance against the Germanic "fascist state". Over a course of nearly thirty years over thirty people were killed in a numerous amount of terrorist attacks on German political leaders, police officers and other government officials/facilities.

One reason for their success was the way they operated. Many of the RAF members operated by means of single contact or only knew their members by their codenames. This helped to limit the potential effect of a member being captured by law enforcement. All RAF actions were carried out by active units called 'commandos'. The trained members of the commando were then supplied by a quartermaster in order to proceed with their mission.

Stammheim Prison was erected to specifically house members of the RAF in 1975 and was considered to be one of the most secure institutions in the world. The entire complex was covered with steel mesh. Over fifty spotlights lit up the grounds at night. Snipers and other specialized military forces constantly guarded the rooftops. In addition some 400 officers continuously patrolled the building on foot and by means of the helicopters located on the premises.

In 1977 , Hanns Schleyer, a former officer of the SS and one of the most powerful industrialists in West Germany was abducted in a violent kidnapping. RAF members demanded the  release of eleven their detained members, including those from Stammheim. Ultimately, the demanded were never met and Schleyer was executed on the 18th of October 1977. The course of events that took place during this time became known at the German Autumn.

On 20 April 1998 the RAF finally disbanded and ended all terrorist act on the German government.

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